Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Why are Bolly and Tamil biggies in such a rush to plagiarize???

I ask this question again and again and again and I end up with no answers. Why is Indian cinema in such a lack of ideas. Ghazini is no different than others. If anyone has seen the Christopher Nolan's classic Memento, he/she will say so. So what is new in Ghazini. I hear the plot is invariably different as it is Indianized. But tell me sir one small point here. First a Tamil director creates havoc by shamelessly lifting the concept from Memento and not giving credit to the actual script. Then Mr. Amir Khan joins in the party. This is shameless acts by Bollywood cinema. They have lost their minds. Let me just write out the script of Memento, probably then people will very well understand the concept of plagiarization and how Hindi and Tamil cinema have been in fore-ront of copying ideas without giving credits.
"Memento" - The story is about a guy named "Lanny" for most part of the movie. He was an insurance agent whose wife is raped and murdered and he is left with an injury which results in short term memory loss. He remembers everything before the accident but now he has short term memory. Chris Nolan has tremendously worked on this movie which is evident because it keeps you hooked to the notes "Lanny" writes to remember even the smallest of things he sees and also the polaroid pics he takes to remember things like where he lives, which is his car etc. It also shows the immense grudge he has for John G. Gammel, who is supposedly his wife's murderer. But as the story unwinds through and through a variety of flashbacks and cut-scenes you will come to know actually what had happened and what Lanny had done and achieved.
Now Ghazini or the Tamil Movie's plot is a little twisted. The question is why?
1. Is it because we Indians do not have the intellectual capability to handle such a complex subject? If this is so, then I feel so sorry for both Hindi and Tamil directors. We have far more complex thinking and analytical ability to make out such subjects. The answer was evident when an American friend of mine called me up to understand the plot and later he said that he made a bunch of others understand the concept. Here in IIT Kharagpur, I found not a single person who couldn't make out the meanig of Memento. (The english was however, a little overboard, it was too americanized)
2. Is it because they themselves cannot handle such a subject? The answer for this is a big "YES". These directors have slowly become copy experts. Why? The answer is simple over the past few decades of incessant copying they have achieved masters degree in doing so. Now they change and tinge the plot a little here and a little there, to make themselves comfortable. Then, they plague it by saying it is "INDIANIZED". Come-on grow up. They are thinking that we are fools.
I shall continue stripping these so called good directors for making Hollywood remakes in Hindi or Tamil cinema. They are a disgrace and are making the world laugh over us, for our lack of creativity. I am so sorry that Amir Khan adds up to the list. He was so good in making movies like Lagaan and TZP. Now I think he needs a stick up his a**.
Comments are welcome, specially from Tamil guys who think highly of that movie, because I feel it is a terrible low...