Friday, November 21, 2008

Doomsday prophecy 2012 - A clear indication of "Rule by Fear"

All that I see in Television Sets, and to be specific, our so called news channels, talking about one date - 21/Dec/2012. Now I will remove the curtains from these so called prediction. If I speak of this world, I can divide it into the following civilizations -
1. The Americans - Aztecs, Inca, Maya
2. Europeans - Christianity
3. Asians - Chinese, India (Hindus), Muslims (Followers of Islam)
4. The West Asians - Jews, Christians and Islam
Now getting back to the point. Where has all this prediction come from. The answer is - From the Mayans and the Christian prophecy tales. Surprisingly, nothing comes from the followers of Islam, Hinduism or Buddhism. I would answer this in my own way, and the disclaimer is that, these are my opinion and I do not let any religion or section of society down by saying so. Christianity, in its all sense is a major religion and the followers of Christianity and the old book are zealous for their religion. But I must point out that Christianity in its earlier days faced a severe problem of non-believers. Thus, the Pope's ability to control non-believers was in question. The earlier preachers of Christ himself were able to spread his word effectively, but after they left for their heavenly bode, Christianity suffered for a long time. Even the believers will agree to me. So how to make a religion spread? The answer is simple. To make people believe in you, you should show them some darkness, so that they immediately seek the small candle you hold. Other way of Christianity was the way of "Fear". Raise fear and superstition in people so that they can be brainwashed easily. These prophecies are now rising again. And guess what lot of people are making money again. The writers whose books were not selling. The priests who were languishing with no work, and even our news channels who were not having any viewers are seeing viewership trickling into their channels.

About Mayans, I would say, that they were not different. Like Aztecs, they ruled by fear and anger. They were immensely great scientists. But think of this. If I say - "The Earth will be in line with Sun and the galactic center on 12/21/2012", no one will listen. And if I say - "The world will come to an end on 12/21/2012", everyone will twitch their ears and clean them up to listen. The Mayan calender is a circular mechanically seen calender. It ended on 12/21/2012 because beyond it there was no space. They would have been building a new one for continuum. But unfortunately their civilization fell too early.

Coming to Hindus, Muslims and Buddhists. Everyone, knows that the greatest of scientific, mathematical and social discoveries came from these parts. So how come we don't have such a theory ever. We too have seen calamities and in fact for Hindus, this is the 4th Age - Kalyug. Why not any predictions here. In Hinduism, Islam and Buddhism, more stress is on way of life. You make a good human being if you are good and purity comes from the heart. I am not saying that there are no money makers, what I am saying is that the darkness of making money through showing fear is absent here.

My humble request to all who see this hoax and creators of hoax. Please do not buy their books and don't see their shows. They are just trying to get a large pie out of our flesh and will blot your mind with fear forever. And when 12/21/2012 will pass away, you will realize what a fool you were and these people will be happily spending your money in vacationing in exotic locations. Also a word of caution to news channels - Stop this spreading of superstitions.

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